roller and tray kit


To get the perfect durable finish on your truck bed, you’ve got to use the right tools. Achieving a textured finish is about more than just aesthetics: It can help increase the protection of your bed liner or coating. A normal roller won’t be able to handle the powerful solvents in our truck coating products. Grab a roller that can stand up to the test! The Gorilla Roller & Tray Kit is ready to give you a seamless finish (and a satisfying application experience). Applying truck products in your own driveway has never felt so professional.

Prepare Your Surface

  1. Start by making sure that your workspace is well-ventilated. Use appropriate protective gear, including gloves, glasses, a spray suit, and a mask.
  2. Clear any loose debris and dirt from your truck bed (or other surface).
  3. Using warm soapy water, wash your truck bed. Allow it to dry. 
  4. Sand your truck bed with P80-P180 grit sandpaper to ensure a consistent, smooth surface and help the coating stick. 
  5. Cover anything in the area that you don’t want to apply product to. 
  6. De-grease your working surface, and let it dry thoroughly. 

Apply the Gorilla Professional Truck Bed Liner OR Gorilla Truck Bed Coating

Use the Gorilla Roller & Tray Kit to apply the 2-part Gorilla Professional Truck Bed Liner or one-part Gorilla Truck Bed Coating

  1. Before rolling, use a chip brush or the Gorilla Truck Bed Coating aerosol spray to get into hard-to-reach corners.
  2. Pour your prepared liner into the roller tray. 
  3. Dip your roller into the tray, rotate the roller to saturate, and tap the roller to avoid applying excess product. 
  4. Starting at the top of your truck bed, evenly roll the bed liner on the prepared surface. 
  5. Once you’ve covered the entire surface, allow the first coat to dry for at least 30-60 minutes. 
  6. Once 30-60 minutes have passed, repeat steps 2-3 to apply the second coat. 
  7. Allow the surface to cure for 24-48 hours before light use and 3-5 days before heavy use.


Use with the two-part Gorilla Professional Truck Bed Liner or one-part Gorilla Truck Bed Coating

Before rolling, use a chip brush or the Gorilla Truck Bed Coating aerosol spray to get into hard-to-reach corners.

Saturate your roller in the solution by rotating the roller. Don't over saturate. Tap the roller on the side of the tray to avoid applying excess product.

Test rolling the product on a bit of cardboard before applying to your truck.